Wir bieten Ihnen zwei neue, komplett eingerichtete Wohnungen für je vier Personen in Weidensees bei Betzenstein an.
Näheres zur aktiven Freizeitgestaltung erfahren Sie auf unseren Seiten oder durch Anfrage bei uns.
Wir hoffen, Sie bald bei uns begrüssen zu dürfen!
09244 - 1667
Betzenstein, im Herzen der Fränkischen Schweiz, ist Franken's kleinste Stadt, staatlich anerkannter Erholungsort, und Ausgangspunkt vieler interessanter Ausflugsziele.
Welcome to the holiday apartments of the Frey family. We can offer you two newly built and completely furnished apartments for up to four people each. Located in Weidensees near Betzenstein (state-approved recreation area and one of Bavaria’s smallest cities), we are right in the heart of Frankonia, which offers numerous interesting attractions.
There’s much to see and do in our area. A heated public pool (5 km), the nature reserve “Veldensteiner Forst” (2 km), a summer slide (12 km), and many beautiful hiking and biking trails are in our vicinity. Even tennis courts, golf courses and climbing rocks are in the area.
In the winter time there are also a small ski area in Spies (11 km) and many cross county trails.
For day trips you can visit the cities Bayreuth, Bamberg, Nuermberg and Erlangen with numerous historic attractions and shopping possibilities.
We are looking forward to seeing you here, simply contact us!